Saturday, 29 May 2010

City of life

This days UAE have changed specially Dubai, Dubai become very modern city and we saw that a lot of people like to visit it and there’s a lot of forging people how lives in Dubai and working there also we saw that a lot tourists like to visit Dubai.

A lot of people has wrong idea about Dubai, they think the forging people how lives there they are rich and they the freedom to do whatever they want, however, we saw the movie City of life, was talking about three people a Emirati guy and he was loser and drink or help his father on the company and his father very rich and he was play with his father many and play around with any goals in his life, but his father was very strike with his son and he did not gave him chance to do what drink or become loser. The Indian guy he was taxi driver he was poor but he has a goal in his life he dream it to become a singer to became rich and famous and spend on his family in Indian but the life was very hard and not fear and he did not have the chance to improve his self or the dream. The Romanian lady she had a dream to be signal mother and had a baby and she lift her job just to become her dream true.

The movie tries to show as the effect of the life and the rally effect on Dubai that there are poor people in Dubai and there is people how did not have chance in the life also they showed us there is same people how did not have the freedom to drink like the father when he was very strike with his son. The movie showed us very important cases about Dubai and the difference type of people how lives there.

In my opinion I think the move was good but not perfect because the Indian gay he will not have such dream because he just a taxi driver even if he has it will be hard to become true, also the Emirati guy in effect he will not drink because it’s not allowed in our realign and he will not be that loser.

Friday, 21 May 2010

The million poet ( Nasser ALAjami)

This article, which was about the million poet, shows Al ajami family Celebrating because Kuwaiti poet whose form the same family won this competition with the support of his family members.

In the final of the competition five of poets competed for the title won one of them was woman Who the competition was to Nasser, But in the end poet Nasser Al ajami won the title and became the millions poet. Nasser won because the support of his family members and the Kuwaitis and he Collection of approximately 40 % of the votes were taken by the people. After the competition the family organized a party to Celebrated the won of Nasser, about 4000 people were attends the party and the all wore the same and the listen to some poems for poet Nasser Al ajami.

all in all, in my opinion the millions poet it should evaluation by the level of his poem not by the voting of the people. Moreover the Saudi women which the competition to Nasser Al ajami it was better than him and her poems mach strong then Nasser and she deserve the title, But she hasn’t received adequate support from the people.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Argument: - When should people be made to retire? 55? 65?

Most of people are working to earn money to feed themselves and their families. Everyone has his own power to do his job but some of them are losing this power when they getting older. Some people think that people should retire in 55 or 65, but some people think that it shouldn’t be a compulsory age for retire. In my essay I will show both arguments for and against and I will give my opinion with reasons for my opinion.

Some people think that people should retire in 55 or 65. They think that the work will not be done the work perfectly. When people get old they cannot afford the work hours. Moreover when old people retire the give chance for the young other people to get this job. I addition the old people they don’t have the ability to use the technology in their work and the still use the old stiff.

Some people think that it shouldn’t be a compulsory age for retire. They think that some people need this job and need money to supports their families. Another reason is that some people like their job and the still have the ability to output and do his job perfectly. In addition the company they get the benefit from His long experience.

All in all, there is some people think that people should retire in 55 or 65 and Some people think that it shouldn’t be a compulsory age for retire. In my opinion retire in 55 or 65 is better because not all the life work, we have to have some relax and give the chance of another young people to work

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Argument :- Communication by internet

Nowadays you can find the Internet in each home, every person used I to connect with others. The Internet is the main communication between the people at the world.In my essay I will show both arguments for and against and I will give my opinion with reasons for my opinion.

There are many people who think that it affect s their life in bad way. Many commentators are of the be view that the internet causes the people stay away from their families. For example nowadays many teenagers spend most of them time on the internet and the stay away for their family. A common opinion is that many parents say for those children are neglecting the study because of the Internet.

On the other side people think the internet has brought the people together. It is often said that they are be close with other especially when they are abroad. As they can connect with other people when the study abroad almost every day. Moreover they can stay near to them when the home sick. There is the person who says that they can build a relationship with other and end it with marriage. Such as my friend meet a girl on the internet from another country and now he engaged with this girl.

In my opinions, I agree with some point of both side, I agree that the in Internet make the family far away from each other , Also I agree that we can connect with people who are abroad, it depend with the person who use the Internet and he don’t addiction the Internet and forget his family which they beside him.

Argument :- Should failing students pay for their education ?

No one can deny that education that helps you to build your future and develop the countries. In each country there are universities, colleges and schools which offer education for students, but some students pass and some fail and are new role for the student who fail that he will pay for the his education. In my essay I will show both arguments for and against and I will give my opinion with reasons for my opinion.

Some people think they should not pay when students fail in any courses. They think that nobody of the students who wants to fail and repeat his course. Another reason is that the teachers they can’t reach the ideas to the students because of this reason he fail in the course. . Yet another reason some students have ability to pay for their education. In addition the student who fail the must give the chance.

Some people think that students who are failing in their studies they should pay for it. The think that they take a place for a new student who can enter the course but there are no enough seats. Moreover it giving them force on them to study hard and keep going on instead of repeating the same course. In addition that frailer student should pass and not to waste the government’s money and give the chance for another student.

All in all, some people think that students who are failing in their studies they should pay for it. Also there is some people think they should not pay when students fail in any courses. In my opinion if students who fail in courses he should pay because the government spends a lot of money to teach him and it give his the motivation to study harder and pass the course.

Line graph: - Age of marriage, USA

This line graph shows the age of marriage in America between 1900 and 20000. As show in the graph in 200 the age of the marriage is the highest for both male and female.

The age of marriage in 1900 was high male (26 years) compared with female which was at 22 years. Then the age of marriage dropped for both male and female, between 1920 and 1940 the age of marriage for female had a slight increase compared to the male which tails of age 24 years then it was stable till 1940. In addition between 1940 and 1950 both had a decrease which was huge for male and slight for female. Between 1950 and 1970 the age of marriage was stable for males and unstable for female. After 1970 both of them rose sharply with the age of marriage for male became 27 and the female 25.

All in all, the graph shows the age of marriage in 200 it was highest in the last century

Line Graph:- London underground passengers.

This line graph illustrates that how many people use London underground station every days. It can be clearly seen that the busiest time of the day is in the morning.

The number of passengers in 6:00 it the lowest then it sharp rise up between 06:00 and 08:00 it went to 400 passengers. After that the numbers of passengers decrease quickly to 200 passengers at 10:00. The line has slight increase between 10:00 and 14:00. In the afternoon the number of passengers are stand able , in addition between 14:00 and 16;00 the number of passengers went to the lowest (less than 100 passengers).then it have huge increase from 16:00 to 18:00 with 400vpassengers . Then the number of passengers went down to till 20:00 then it have slight increase and have sight decrees between 21:00 and 22:00.

All in all, the graph shows that the rash hours if the underground station in the morning and periods evening.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

The Loss of Emirati Identity

Nowadays the UAE has a lot of different nationalities live in here land, which leading to mixing to Emirate cultures with another, which resulting in loss of emirate identity. The UAE government became aware of this hitch and them trying to put solutions for this problem.

Nowadays the young Emirates can’t talk the emerita accent and the mixed it with English. In addition many companies and the government department use English in their dealing depend of using Arabic. Moreover many of Emirates leaves their traditional activates like sailing, hunting in the desert and the traditional dance.moreover many of young influenced by western and the starts to wear jeans and do hair style, which led the abandonment of national dress, also many foreign companies prevent the national dress in work time.
The UAE government begins carefully for this problem and they start to put solutions to reduce this problem and preservation of loss Emirate identity. First of all the government start to develop curricula for students in schools to increase of the UAE culture. They put tradition competition for young Emirates, Also the schools required the students to wear national dress.

In my opinion the school and the parents is the best thing for keep the young in theirs Emirate Identity , which the school and the parents affect the children a lot .

Children in Accidents

This table shows a different age that killed in the street accident. Moreover the highest rate of killing children in the street is playing in the street.

First of all , the biggest causes of killed children between 2-4 years is playing in the street, then the second reason is of killed children is shopping for their parents that killed five children in three month. I addition the mine cause of killed children between 5-7 years is playing in the street, Following is shopping for their parents. Both of children between 8-11 years and 12-14 years is the lowest cause of killed children is going to school, however the biggest number of killing children is playing in the street and cycling in the street. Finally the children between 15-16 years had the lowest rate of killed in the street.

All in all the most cause of killed children was playing in the street, in addition the age of 5-7 years they had the biggest rate of children in accidents.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Dates Product

The bar graph shows date production in tones for the world's top producers in 2001. Ten countries in the Gulf region and northern Africa are featured.

Overall, Egypt and Iran account for to the majority of goods whilst Sudan and Libya are in the minority. First, Egypt took the lion's share of production with over a million tones but Iran was a close second with almost 0.9 million. Following them came’s the UAE and Saudi Arabia rivaling each other with about 740,000 tons each. Pakistan and Iraq, with outputs of approximately 630,000, were not far behind. The rest of the nations, however, were far less productive. Algeria supplied the world with nearly 400,000 tones and Oman around a quarter million. Finally, Sudan’s and Libya's crops yielded under 0.2 million each.

In summary, date production is the most abundant in Egypt and Iran. In contrast, harvests in Oman and countries in northern Africa are far less plentiful.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Holiday destinations form UK and Ireland

These pie charts illustrate where the British and Irish spent their vacations. In 2006 most people spent their vacation in France.

Both British and Irish they have the biggest rate of people who spent their holiday in France (32 % of British and 25% of Irish) spent it in France. The second biggest detonation for British tourists was Spain (28%) compared to Irish tourists which only (16%). Both of the British and Irish tourists went to Belgium about (9%) of them .About quarter of the Irish tourists spent our holiday in Italy compared to British which (about 15%). Regarding to spent holiday in Germany, 19% of Irish tourists and 12% of British tourists spent their holiday in Germany.

All in all , both British and Irish tourists have the same ratio in spent their holiday in Poland and Belgium .Also both of them have the biggest in went to France .

Leisure Activities

These pie charts show how two groups of people spend their money on product in the UK. Each chart comprise of six categories. Both of the two groups spend more money in electronic equipment.

Both age groups spend the biggest proportion on electronic goods. The group of 20 -30 the spend money 41 % and 50-60 group spends 38%.The second biggest amount in book and magazines .However, the 50-60 group spends almost twice ( 28 %) compare to 20 -30 group spend ( 16 % ) only. The reverse is true is gardening categories the 20-30 group consumers spend 7 % which half of the 50-60 group which they spend 16 % on it. Regarding sport equipment the 20-30 group spends four times more then 50-60 group. In the Photography equipment both of the two groups spend the same amount in it.

To concoction both of the two groups interesting in electronic and they spend more money in it. Also both groups spend the same amount in Photography equipment

Monday, 25 January 2010