This line graph shows the age of marriage in America between 1900 and 20000. As show in the graph in 200 the age of the marriage is the highest for both male and female.
The age of marriage in 1900 was high male (26 years) compared with female which was at 22 years. Then the age of marriage dropped for both male and female, between 1920 and 1940 the age of marriage for female had a slight increase compared to the male which tails of age 24 years then it was stable till 1940. In addition between 1940 and 1950 both had a decrease which was huge for male and slight for female. Between 1950 and 1970 the age of marriage was stable for males and unstable for female. After 1970 both of them rose sharply with the age of marriage for male became 27 and the female 25.
All in all, the graph shows the age of marriage in 200 it was highest in the last century
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